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The Taynton

The Taynton does not hold back on its articulate detail and grand stature. This Elegant fire surround has considerable detail in its hand carved design, the lines of which break up the traditional shape.

The Taynton will complement modern and traditional design schemes alike, as well as many types of fire and provide a stunning focal point for any room in your home.



English Stone

Formed, dug up and carved here in England. Each fireplace is individually made from limestone with its coarse texture and creamy colour that compliments any interior design scheme. Quartz, shells, pebbles, watermarks and veining all contribute to the unique characteristics of English Stone. Markings and variations are the hallmark of natural stone meaning your fireplace will carry its own uniqueness and distinctive beauty.

Treatment of English Stone should be consulted with a member of the ‘Esher Fireplaces’ team as it has its own traits and care requirements.


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